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Argentine Black Truffle
Our HallMark is
We have a commitment to quality. We follow every step of our truffles ensuring traceability and food safety. Since 2022 we have certified our post-harvest process with Faustino, to guarantee our consumers a product that is cared for in everything.
DownloadOur truffle species is
There are more than 200 species of truffles in the world. Only some of them are relevant for gastronomy, mainly due to their organoleptic qualities.
The black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) is one of the most important species, due to its unmistakable aroma and the complexity of obtaining this truffle every winter, since it is somewhat more capricious than the rest of the species. Which usually have a less complex aroma and are easier to find.
That is why to avoid confusion with other species and assure our consumers of the species of truffle that we produce and deliver to every home and restaurant in Argentina and the world, we have carried out a PCR analysis of our truffles to certify that the species we collect in our truffle tree is T. melanosporum.
This analysis was carried out by INTECH, a public institution, the Chascomús Technological Institute (INTECH) is a dual dependency Institute National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) – General San Martín National University (UNSAM) and is an Associated Institute of the Scientific Research Commission of the Province of Buenos Aires (CIC). and is part of the group of Executing Units of the Scientific and Technological Center (CCT) – La Plata.